What do we see? What do we pay attention to? What does perception refer to and to what extent does what we perceive or see (or believe to see) compose a "truth"? And whose truth is it then?
What truths open up when others have other truths? What is truth? - Perhaps "the invention of a liar," as Heinz von Foerster said.
Truth, then, a matter of perception. And of the imagination. What we imagine today may be tomorrow. And that's what art is about for me: it's the window to another world. Art changes perception, it broadens the mind, allows us to create and comprehend - or to doubt. The world needs art.
"We have art so that we don't perish from the truth," as Nietzsche said.
Crises are always crises of perception, because they result from what we perceive and how we evaluate it. And the role of art? The moment a work of art presents a perspective, perception changes, something becomes thinkable or imaginable. "What is conceivable is feasible," Socrates knew.
"Deciphering situations and circumstances, discovering the aesthetics and meaning of the moment - that is up to the viewer of Katrin Brackmann's pictures. Her play with realities is routine observation and pointed stocktaking of a sometimes bizarre state of human society - in the present as well as in scenic retrospective. The works achieve their filigree depth effect through the skilful composition of stylistic contrasts as a dynamic melange of painting, photography and graphic design" - Galerie JesusChris, Essen
"My art consists of a stylistic fusion of digital composings, painting, graphics, photos. In this diversity, complexity, chaos and diversity of our time are reflected. In the change of methods, precision and fragment, reality and fiction, intention and coincidence meet for me." - Katrin Brackmann
01.2025 MISCHPOKE Galerie JesusChris, ab 24.01.2025, Südviertel
01.2025 IPM / BGI Gastauftritt Messe Essen, 27.–31. Januar 2025
12.2024 KUNST IN BILD & GLAS Galerie Dagmar Reimus, Nov. 24 bis Jan. 25, Werden
11.2024 THIS IS NOW. Jubiläums-Ausstelung des Ruhrländischen Künstlerbunds, Essen
11.2024 KUNSTORT RUHR – Rhythm of Journey 05.11.2024, different e.V., Dortmund
10.2024 C.A.R., 25.–27.10.2024,mit der Union of Mongolian Artists, Contemporary Art Ruhr, Unesco Welterbe Zollverein
09.2024 KUNSTSPUR Atelier Dürer 3, 21.09.2024, Essen
08.2024 THIS IS NOW, 28.08.–12.09.2024, GroupShow mit der Union of Mongolian Artists, Ulanbataar, Mongolei
06.2024 DEUTSCHE BANK, RÜ-Art 06.–23.062024, Essen
06.2024 THE ART SPACE, 29.06.2024, @Carsten Breuer Arts, Bottrop
12.2023 KONTROVERS, 03.12.2023 – 07.01.2024, Ruhrländischer Künstlerbund, Essen
11.2023 REVIERKUNST 3.-12.11.2023, Gemeinschaftsausstellung, 70 Künstler, Zeche Helene, Hattingen
12.2023 CITY OF FUTURE, 08.–27.10.2023, 20-Jähriges Jubiläum Forum Kunst und Architektur / WBK, Essen
10.2023 20235272 Showroomkunst 20.–23.10.2023, Solo-Ausstellung @Günther Scholten, Bochum
10.2023 C.A.R., Contemporary Art Ruhr / Innovative Art, UNESCO Welterbe Zeche Zollverein, Halle 12, Essen
09.2023 KUNSTSPUR, 10/2023, Süd: Atelier Kunstraum Dürer3 / Nord: Forum Kunst & Architektur, Essen
09.2023 SEILSCHAFTEN, 10|23, Forum Kunst & Architektur, RKB Essen
08.2023 VERFLOCHTENE WELTEN, 07.07.–14.08.2023, GALERIE KLOSE, RÜ 221, Essen
06.2023 RÜ Art, 01.–18.06.2023 (RÜ159 Marten von Drachen + RÜ87 Püttmann), Essen
06.2023 KUNST & WEIN, 10+11.06.2023 (INOUI Store in Werden), Essen
05.2023 HAIGERLOCH Tage der Kunst, 20.+21.05.2023 Haigerloch
04.2023 IDENTITÄT, Eröffnung 23.04.2023 im Forum Kunst & Architektur, RKB Essen
03.2023 C.A.R. Photo & Media, UNESCO Welterbe Zeche Zollverein, Essen
12.2022 Vor der Wand ist hinter der Wand, RKB Essen
11.2022 Miami 3.0 Art Basel Art Miami, Wynwood Walls, Miami, USA
10.2022 ArtBox Palma, Casa del Arte, Mallorca, Spanien
09.2022 Visionen der Zukunft – Kunst im digitalen Zeitalter #ChinaTales, RKB Essen
06.2022 KI-BIENNALE „Spielräume“ – #Replicant, RKB Essen
06.2022 REVIERKUNST #Spiraldynamics, Henrichshütte, Hattingen
06.2022 20225272 Showroomkunst , @Günter Scholten Bochum
12.2021 SPIRALDYNAMICS, Stattmaler @Markus Schlösser, Essen
10.2021 Kunstspur im Showroom dieKunst, Essen
10.2021 Phoenix, RKB, Essen
05.2021 durchmischung Helmut Kottkamp & Peter Helmke, Mühlheim / online
11.2020 Chapeau RKB, Essen
10.2020 synapsen RKB, Essen
06.2020 dieNeuen RKB, Essen
10.2019 sichtweisen Ruhrländischer Künstlerbund (RKB), Essen
06.2019 REVIERKUNST & Extraschicht, Zeche Ewald Herten
10.2018 KARO Kunstspur, Essen
09.2018 Trust the Process Garage13, Essen
10.2017 situations, Galerie JesusChris, Essen
09.2017 Werkschau Sushi, Essen
06.2016 RÜ Art, Essen
10.2006 Lichtspiel Teba Art Award, Hannover
10.1999 dieBesten, Kunstpark Ost, München
04.1999 Sichtwerk, Unesco Kulturerbe Zeche Zollverein, Essen
2022 Scholarship of the Ministry of Culture and Science NRW
2021 Funding by the Cultural Office Essen
2020 MKW Soforthilfe 2020, Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
2006 Winner Teba Art Award, Duisburg / Hannover (Fair)
2000 novum international Issue (Publication kaoz)
1999 Beste Aussichten, Diplomarbeiten im Kunstpark Ost, München
1999 Diploma summa cum laude, Presentation of "kaoz" (see below*)
Künstlerische VITA
Grew up in a small town, high school diploma + one-year studies at the Lehrinstitut für Design "Haus Aussel" with Prof. Marlene Richter.
1993-99 Studied visual communication at the Folkwang Academy of the Arts in Essen. Even today, Katrin Brackmann's works are in the spirit of the Folkwang idea, which school and museum founder Karl Ernst Osthaus formulated thus:
"Without the participation of art, the most important questions of social life are unsolvable."
Study focus: Drawing, graphics, nude, photography, typography, history of art and architecture, philosophy, among others with professors Sabine Tschierschky, Peter Wippermann, Dr. Norbert Bolz, Inge Osswald and Otto Näscher.
1999 Graduation with Diploma Summa Cum Laude. Presentation of the diploma thesis "kaoz - complexity and chaos in a socio-cultural context" at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zeche Zollverein and after an award for best diploma theses of the year ("beste Aussichten") at Kunstpark Ost, Munich. Publication in novum International Issue (04/2000).
1999 Co-founder of the design collective "oz", which was one of the multi-media pioneers of web design and created screen and corporate designs, flash animations and entire internet presences for renowned clients and brands on behalf of agencies in Düsseldorf, Bonn, Frankfurt and Berlin, among others. Among them also online creative direction for various federal ministries.
From 1999-2005 Katrin Brackmann designed and maintained the website of the NRW FORUM Düsseldorf and developed numerous screen designs for changing exhibitions (with Anton Corbjn, Peter Lindbergh, Helmut Newton, Nam June Paik and others).
From 2002 art in ozlab: digital photography & concept art
2015-2020 Kognitionswissenschafte Ausbildungen – "Die Kunst des Wie" – Realitätskonstruktion und Psychologie – Zertifizierte Lehrtrainerin für NLP, Master Mental-/ Integral Coach u.a..
Katrin Brackmann lebt und arbeitet in der Ruhrmetropole Essen.
Studien-Reisen führten sie in die Mongolei, USA, nach Neuseeland, Afrika, London, Sydney, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Bangkok und andere Orte.